DeAnna Rae, C.Ht
Certified Hypnotherapist
Offering Effective In Person & Private Online sessions from
the comfort of your home
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2023 Award Winner of the Prestigious
Empowering you to expand your
quality of life through therapeutic hypnosis.

Therapeutic Hypnosis
Imagine feeling truly in control of your life, free from the habits and anxieties that hold you back. Hypnosis offers a remarkably quick and gentle path to achieving just that. I've witnessed incredible transformations in my clients as they've overcome challenges and unlocked their inner strength and potential.
I specialize in helping people navigate a range of issues, from everyday anxieties and limiting beliefs to more profound experiences like childhood trauma, PTSD, abandonment and trust issues, or grief, and loss. Whether you're struggling with a breakup, phobias, stress, self-doubt, self-sabotage, or simply seeking greater confidence and motivation, I can guide you toward lasting positive change.
Think of hypnosis as a deeply relaxing journey for your mind and body. It's a state of heightened awareness, where the everyday chatter of your conscious mind quiets down, allowing your subconscious wisdom to surface. It's like finding a quiet, focused space within yourself where real transformation can begin. In this peaceful state, I can gently introduce positive suggestions that resonate with your inner self, empowering you to create the shifts you've been longing for.
Now, let's clear up some misconceptions. Forget the old myths and silly stage shows – hypnosis is not about mind control. You are always in complete control. It's more like supercharging your own desires and intentions to a point where they become your reality.
You're aware and present throughout the process, simply deeply relaxed and free from the usual stresses and worries. I'm here to help you amplify what you already want to achieve. Think of it like a spa day for the mind!
Hypnosis is a collaborative adventure. Every session is designed specifically for you, your needs, and your goals. Together, we'll work together to gently release whatever is holding you back and activate the positive feelings, beliefs, and behaviors you need to thrive in this new chapter of your life.
Let's work together to create the changes you're ready for.
"I never thought I would be able to be hypnotized, and had tons of anxiety about it. DeAnna was super supportive during the entire session, and she did an amazing job. I was amazed at how easy the whole process was. Highly highly recommend!!" -Drew Z., Kansas City