DeAnna Rae, C.Ht
Certified Hypnotherapist
Offering Effective In Person & Private Online sessions from
the comfort of your home
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2023 Award Winner of the Prestigious
Empowering you to expand your
quality of life through therapeutic hypnosis.
What is hypnosis?
A: Hypnosis is a state of deep relaxation and focus in which the mind becomes more receptive to positive suggestions and behavioral changes. When in this peaceful state, it allows one to overcome various challenges easily in a comfortable, empowering state. Clients are always in control as hypnosis is a natural and safe technique that has been used for centuries to help people overcome various issues and improve their lives. You can think of it like a supercharged, goal oriented meditation!
Can I be hypnotized?
Yes. All people have some level of hypnotizability. Some are low, most are in the mid-range, and some are high. However, the depth of hypnosis can vary from person to person. The most important thing to understand is that you must possess a sincere desire for it to work and be open to this type of support in order to achieve the changes you'd like to activate.
What does hypnosis feel like?
Each person's experience of hypnosis is different from the experience of others. Typically, your body relaxes and your thoughts become more focused. In this relaxed state, you will feel at ease physically, yet fully awake mentally. Your conscious mind becomes less alert, while your subconscious mind becomes much more focused and able to make changes much easier. There is never any loss of consciousness. For those who meditate, it’s the same very relaxed and comfortable feeling.
Will I lose consciousness or fall asleep?
Hypnosis is not sleep. One of the biggest misconceptions is that the hypnotized person will fall asleep or lose conscious awareness. During hypnosis you are always awake, aware, in control, and you will hear and remember everything the hypnotist says.
How many sessions will I need?
I recommend you start with three sessions (some issues require more) to get the full benefits of this work. You may experience improvements after just one visit, but studies indicate that results are more pronounced with multiple sessions. Appointments are usually scheduled once a week, and after the initial 120 minute session, subsequent session are 60 minutes. However, it is not uncommon for clients to return for reinforcement sessions whenever they feel the support would be beneficial, or need a "re-set."
What's the difference between hypnotism and psychotherapy?
While both hypnotherapy and psychotherapy can be used to treat many different issues, they are different approaches. Psychotherapy typically involves talk therapy and focuses on the conscious mind, while hypnotherapy focuses on the subconscious mind and uses guided relaxation to access it and gently give the positive suggestions of changes that you'd like to make.
Are results guaranteed?
While hypnosis can be a powerful tool for change, results are not guaranteed. However, the majority of my clients do create the changes in their lives that they feel will serve them. This is likely due to the fact I only work with individuals who are inspired, ready to take action and who are truly open to making a commitment to do this type of therapy in order to begin integrating internal shifts they feel will benefit them. Since hypnosis is a partnership between the hypnotist and client, success depends on both participants being invested in the process and outcome.
Can I bring someone to my appointment?
Anyone who accompanies you to your session is welcome to wait in the waiting area, lobby, outside area or car. Your success is my priority and not having someone else in the office will allow you to relax fully into the experience without feeling expectations of someone watching you.
Are online Zoom sessions as effective as in person sessions?
YES! I have many clients who I only see via online sessions. Some live in other parts of the country and some just prefer not to enjoy their sessions from the comfort of their own homes. As long as you commit to the process, you will receive the same benefits from hypnosis!
What are your policies concerning payment and cancellations?
Payment is required to book an appointment and your appointment is not confirmed until payment is submitted.
Cancellation policy:
Clients must give at least a 24 hour notice of cancellation to receive a full refund.
All cancellations made less than 24 hours prior to appointment time are non-refundable.
No-show appointments will forfeit session fees.
Continuous cancellations and rescheduling of appointments after 3rd reschedule will result in termination of therapy.
If the client is over 15 minutes late, the session is cancelled/considered a no-show and all fees are forfeited.
(Please see "Pricing" page for the full cancellation policy.)