DeAnna Rae, C.Ht
Certified Hypnotherapist
Offering Effective In Person & Private Online sessions from
the comfort of your home
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2023 Award Winner of the Prestigious
Empowering you to expand your
quality of life through therapeutic hypnosis.

"I sought help from DeAnna when I found myself quite immobile due to severe chronic anxiety and low self esteem issues. I had three life changing sessions with her. I have dealt with severe anxiety for over 20 years; for the first time I felt like I could breathe. I am rediscovering who I am, and feel incredible. DeAnna is incredibly knowledgeable, compassionate, and provided such a safe space to purge these emotions. This was my first time undergoing hypnotherapy, and it will certainly not be my last!"~ Fernanda S., L.A
Hypnosis Packages
New client package #1, First 2 hour session and two 1 hour sessions. $600 (Total of 3 sessions.)
Single reinforcement sessions, 1 hour each. $150
Package #2: 3 sessions for existing clients, 1 hour each. $450
Inner Child Series Package, First 2 hour session and eight 1 hour sessions. $1500 (Total of 9 sessions)
Contact me below to schedule your free 20 minute phone consultation.
*Paid sessions expire 6 months after purchase date.
Cancellation policy: (Please read before scheduling your session.)
I do my best to accommodate my client’s appointment requests. Your session time is reserved for you as I do not double book sessions. I have also spent time preparing an individualized session prior to meeting with you. A last minute cancellation or a no-show is time another client could have used. If you must cancel or reschedule, please do so at least 24 hours prior to your appointment time.
All cancellations made less than 24 hours prior to appointment time will forfeit that session's fee.
No-show appointments will forfeit that session's fee.
Continuous cancellations and rescheduling of appointments after 3rd reschedule will result in termination of therapy.
If the client is over 15 minutes late, the session is cancelled/considered a no-show and that session's fee are forfeited.
Appointment times are not flexible. In the event a client arrives late, that appointment will end at the scheduled time so that the therapist and/or other clients are not inconvenienced.
For your convenience, payment options include debit and credit cards, Paypal, Zelle and Venmo.
Payment is required at time of booking your appointment.