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DeAnna Rae, C.Ht
Certified Hypnotherapist
Offering Effective In Person & Private Online sessions from
the comfort of your home
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2023 Award Winner of the Prestigious
Empowering you to expand your
quality of life through therapeutic hypnosis.
Specializing in the following:

Confidence and Self Esteem
Past Life Regressions & QHHT
"Over the years, I have dealt with severe overthinking, self-esteem issues, and much more, due to past traumas. I have received talked therapy in the past, it did help me a lot, but I still felt that something was missing in my personal healing journey. DeAnna has helped me immensely, gotten to the root cause of my issues and I was able to come to terms and forgive myself in many ways. If you struggle with any of the issues she helps with, look no further and give yourself the chance to heal in a healthy and holistic way." Britany G. Los Angeles
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